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A Harvest of Possibilities

He replied, “What is impossible for people is possible with God.”
Luke 18:27, NLT
Problems, or possibilities?  This is a dilemma I’m faced with most days.  Not which ones will appear, but rather what perspective I will have about various circumstances that somehow or other cross my path.

I’m sure you can relate to some of these scenarios too. Perhaps the car isn’t running right.  Or that faucet is leaking again.  Or the dog keeps digging up the grass.  Maybe someone you know hasn’t done what he or she promised—again.  Are these problems?  Yes.  But can they also be situations ripe with opportunity?  You bet!

Now, you and I may not necessarily like the “opportunity”—whatever it may be—but none the less, we have a choice about how we will respond to virtually everything in our daily experiences.  And there’s a very good chance that some of these experiences will include problems.  How do I know?  Because Jesus Himself spoke frankly about this fact of life:

I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33
Note that Jesus, in addition to foretelling of future dilemmas, also gave His followers hope to be able to handle these times of difficulty: “I have overcome the world.”  Indeed, repeatedly in Scripture, we find the best approach for addressing life’s problems:  all things are possible with God (see Luke 18:27 above).  Not only can He aid us by changing our perspective about problems, but the Lord can assist us in dealing with whatever comes our way. Here are a few other passages that verify this reality:
 Sovereign Lord! You made the heavens and earth by your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for you!  
Jeremiah 32:17

I know that you can do anything, and no one can stop you. 
Job 42:2

Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. 
Ephesians 3:20

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. 
Isaiah 41:10

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and he will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.  
James 1:5

More of these truths can be found throughout Scripture, offering us hope—even when experiencing the most trying circumstances.  Why not take some time this upcoming season to consider the difficulties that you’re dealing with from a slightly different perspective? What problems could turn into possibilities with God’s assistance? Are there ways you can trust Him more, even if the situation seems overwhelming or intolerable?

Whatever you do, remember Jesus’ gentle reminder to everyone who follows Him: “I have told you all this so you may have peace in me.”  Perhaps this divine peace will be the best blessing we will receive this upcoming Harvest season!

Happy Fall from all of us at Sonkist Ministries!


Thought of the Month

Turn to me and have mercy,
for I am alone and in deep distress.
My problems go from bad to worse.
Oh, save me from them all!
Feel my pain and see my trouble.
Forgive all my sins.

Psalm 25:16-18