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We’re glad you chose to visit Sonkist Ministries today! We hope to help you live life to its fullest potential. We believe that the foundation for finding joy, peace, and contentment begins by understanding God’s purpose for your life. God does have great plans for you, and your future is full of amazing opportunities!

Drs. Steve and Rebecca Wilke founded Sonkist Ministries in the 1990s to assist men and women just like you through speaking venues, online support, monthly newsletters, and faith-based books and materials. After thirty decades of “people-helping” in their respective professions, Steve and Rebecca are more passionate than ever about providing personalized support to individuals, couples, and families.

At Sonkist Ministries, we want to help you move toward the better tomorrow God has in store for you. Take some time to investigate our Sonkist home and discover what resources might be most helpful for you and your needs. Also, please feel free to contact us if we can be of further assistance.